Today is the pups' birthday! They are officially one year old today, which means I can stop referring to them in "months." Unfortunately, I cannot stop referring to them as "puppies", since I read that Bernese are still puppies size-wise until they are about two, and are puppies in attitude and mischief until they are about three. Great! Any chance I can swap those two around?
September 2010 |
The pups celebrated their birthday by decorating the back lawn with my new sandals (yes, chewed), one t-shirt, three socks (none of which match), a pair of underwear, and a ten-pound diving brick. This was all in the course of about fifteen minutes. It's as if they knew today was special and they weren't going to get scolded so go for broke!
July 2011 |
We decided to take them on a field trip to visit their friends at the vet's office where they were warmly welcomed and given lots of hugs. While there, I got them each on the scale for grins. Bodie tipped the scales at 90 pounds and Leila came in at a petite 82 pounds. The fact they are not done growing yet is a little alarming but they are healthy and active and carry it well, so I say...bon appetite! Hard to believe they were twelve pound puff-balls when they came to us last year. What a difference ten months makes!
While out and about we stopped by the pet store to pick up some snacks and a birthday toy and yes, ran into other dogs on leashes and yes, Leila tried to turn herself inside out to get away from them. Looks like our next jaunt to the pet store will be for training classes! They are making progress on accepting humans a bit more easily but dogs and especially cats are still persona non grata. Well, I still have another year of puppyhood to get them used to the real world. Oh wait, make that two years! Ugh........
Stay tuned.....
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